Trinity Fellowship is first & foremost a family, an apostolic spiritual tribe made up of people from a broad cross-section of culture. We are actively involved in building strong inter-personal relationships in pursuit of the Kingdom of God!
Much of our teaching and instruction here at Trinity is from the basic understanding that God is our Father. That's what Jesus taught! Our messages encourage each person to interact with him from that basic premise, that we're His 'handpicked' children! This, in turn, produces a family of people who have an intimate relationship with the Father and a keen understanding of their God-given identity from an experiential standpoint.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:11 "and many false prophets will appear and deceive many." How do we avoid them? How do we recognize "the spirit of truth" and "the spirit of error" ? Paul says in 2 Timothy 3:16 "all Scripture is God breathed." Therefore, the Scriptures must be our basis and our directive. Below is a breakdown of what we believe:
Trinity Fellowship was established in 1988. The first meeting place was in the various homes of the six to eight people that were in attendance at that time. Preaching duties, for a time, were intermittently shared by several persons including Andy Taylor. Andy, who was involved in an effective evangelistic ministry, began to hear the Lord’s voice concerning the ‘work’ in Sayre. In June of 1989, after a time of fasting and prayer, the Lord began to reveal the vision for Sayre...
The clearest and simplest explanation of our structure is that we are in the process of building a family. We are doing that by first, encouraging each individual to engage in the process of ‘relating to God, as Father’. Modern religious culture has elevated knowledge over encounter, but we won’t allow it here! While we have a love for biblical knowledge we know that a personal encounter with the Father, through Jesus, is mandatory to experience the ‘authentic’ Christian life...
Trinity Fellowship Vision
Helping One Another Engage In An Intimate Relationship With The Father
Building A Biblical Model of ‘Family’ Through Personal Relationships
Integrate Our Culture With the Reality of Jesus and the Father in a Non-Invasive Way
Creating an Atmosphere for the Supernatural Work of the Holy Spirit
“Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry”
Equipping each family member to be a functional contributor in the Body of Christ
Helping Each Family Member Mature and Fulfill Their Personal Call
A Ministry School With a ‘Hands On’ Format
Training and Sending Out Leaders Locally, Regionally, Nationally and Internationally
Engaging in an Aggressive Ministry to the Poor
Outreach Projects/Camps to Assimilate God’s Kingdom into Our Culture
A Ministry of Restoration and Encouragement to Those in Ministry Who Have Been Wounded or Discouraged in the Process of Their Ministry
A Focus on Healing Hurts and Wounds Through Love, Encouragement and Scriptural Counseling
A Resolve to See Individuals/Ministries Restored and Functioning Again in Their Call
Taking care of people = Job #1
Meeting the natural and spiritual needs of individuals and families that God has entrusted to us will always be out #1 priority. This includes all aspects of ‘taking care of people’! Nothing is more important.
Provide Accountability, Adjustment and Training Support For Traveling Ministries
Provide a Place for Rest, Refocus, Relaxation, Training and Encouragement
Organize, Train and Send Out Ministry Teams
Assist Struggling Churches By a Team Ministry Concept
Send Worship Teams to Assist Churches
Plant, Support and Staff Churches
Provide People/Resources to Help the New Church Flourish
Train and Ordain Leadership in Each Church
Maintain an Ongoing Supportive Relationship With Each Church
Establish the Biblical Pattern for Church Government
Provide Oversight, Accountability, Adjustment and Support for Existing Churches
Foster Authentic Relationships Within Churches/Church Leadership
Restore/Repair Relationships Within the Church
Andy and his wife, Julie, agreed to shepherd the small group. Services were held for a short time in the vacant Presbyterian Church building in Sayre. Then the small congregation moved to a building one block south of Main Street. After a few years in that location the congregation outgrew the small building and then moved to their present location two miles east of Sayre on historic Route 66 and Interstate 40. The Trinity family continued to grow at a steady pace and in March of 1997 an extra service was added to accommodate the growing family. In August of 1998 the property on which the building is located was purchased. The property consists of 105 acres adjacent to the original church building. The acquisition of this property has enabled Trinity Fellowship to grow and to continue to accomplish the vision that the Lord has imparted. The first phase of an extensive construction project was completed in December of 2007. The new sanctuary affectionately referred to as the Big House, seats 750 people. The Convergence School of Ministry was inaugurated in November of 2008. Long-range plans include the building of individual, rustic cabins to accommodate the “Juniper Tree”, a ministry devoted to the restoration of broken, discouraged or hurting ministries.
Second, we emphasize strong interpersonal relationships with one another and all that it takes to initiate, maintain and repair them. It is extremely challenging, but it’s what the kingdom is about!
Our church government reflects that, exemplified, in the New Testament in that we recognize the ministry of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher, known as the "fivefold ministries". But we are not overly impressed or emphatic of ‘titles’. So, we see the fivefold ministries, as well as the offices of elders and deacons, as job descriptions or functions, more than personal titles. And, because we want to maintain the integrity and purity of our spiritual purpose, we do not have a rigorous structure with multitudes of committees.
Many people who love God, but have become disillusioned with "the church" are once again finding spiritual excitement at Trinity in the simplicity of relationship with the Father and in their relationships with one another.